Thursday, May 21, 2009

This Week's Budget

Hello Frugal Fanatics!

I had such a great week with my budget that I just wanted to share. As many of you know my budget for the week is $100 for anything and everything and breaks down like this: $50 for groceries, $25 for drug store deals, $25 for entertainment. This week I spent $52 on groceries, no biggie because I made up for it with my drug store budget, and this is what I bought:

Super One: (Groceries)
10 boxes General Mills cereal @ $1.50 each
-minus 4 $1 off coupons (3 were $1 off of 3 and 1 was $1 off of 1)
2 gallons of whole milk $3.55 each
bread on sale $2
4 lean pockets on sale for $.98 each
bananas $1.53
crackers on clearance $.50
graham crackers $1.58
snack crackers $1.88
apple juice (Value Time) $.98
Spray and Wash - no sale or coupon : ( $2.99
flossers $1.89

Albertsons:(a little more groceries)
2 Good Day half gallon orange juice $.50 each
dozen large eggs $1
pork chops $1/lb $6.90
3 Fresh Express Garden Salads $1 each
2 Albertson's Frozen Waffles $1 each

Total Groceries with tax: $52.77

Walgreen's: (Drug Store Deals)
6 men's Speed Stick Deodorant (clearance) $.50 each
3 Men's Zone face wash (clearance) $.99 each
Huggies Swimmers Sale $6.99
-minus $1.50 off coupon
2 AA batteries BOGO $3.99
Fabric softener sheets $2.99 (no sale or coupon) : ( ...But, I cut these in half and they last me apx. 6 months.
-minus $1 Register Reward

Total Drug Store Deals: $19.04

Entertainment Budget:
1 ticket to the movies $8.50
1 free ticket to the movies from my mom $0
snacks from the dollar store to stock my purse for the movie $3.90
3 random cups of coffee from CC's at $1.94 each

Total entertainment spent: $18.22

YAY! I feel like the deals are getting better in all of the stores and we are doing very well with our budget. I hope that all of you are having the same success. If you need help don't forget to ask! Have a great week!

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