Friday, May 15, 2009

Mini-date with the King

Hello World!
Long time no see, I know. It seems like I have been missing in action for a while....and mentally I may have been. LOL! It has been crazy busy in the world of the Budget Queen from classes, to articles, to television. Although, I hope that I am making a difference in people's lives. I know that I have had to sacrifice a lot to bring all of this information to everyone, so I truly hope that it is helping.

Tonight, the king and I went on a frugal outing. I was really excited because it has been a few weeks since we were able to do anything fun, since we put the house on the market. (Yes, we are selling our house.) My mom was able to babysit! ($0) Then, she gave us one free ticket to the movies ($0), so we had to buy just 1. ($8.50). We stopped at the Family Dollar on the way and bought snacks ($3.90)...and strategically stuffed them in my purse after dumping it's normal content. The movie was great! We went to the opening of Angels and Demons. I won't give the entire thing away, but some things were slightly different from the book. I think it was even better than the Davinci Code. So...go see it, or wait until it comes out on Red Box.

After the movie we popped over to Walmart to grab some supplies for the class I'm teaching tomorrow. WELL, there were yellow clearance balloons all over the store! So, we ended up getting a few things there as well. Polo shirt for the King ($3), t-shirt for the big prince ($1), and french bread ($1.50). So, if you are in Walmart you HAVE to check out the clearance. There were men's polo's t-shirts, sport shirts, and sports shorts...$3, boy's motocross t-shirts...$1, boy's Starter sports shirts...$1, baby and toddler t-shirts...$1, baby outfits...$3, women's pumps...$1!!!, women's sandals...$3-5, framed art...$1, etc, etc, etc. OH - espresso machine...$29 (down from $70), double toaster...$12.50...anyway, you just have to check it all out for yourself. I hope you have fun, I know I did!

Happy Saving!

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