Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Years Resolution....or the lack there of

I've been so busy that completely forgot about my New Year's resolution. There is so much going on with the website that that alone is a huge goal for the year. I can't wait for all of the amazing things that are going to happen this year. I can't think of anything that I haven't already committed to. My life is so full of all of the things that I love that I can't imagine adding anything else to it. I don't think I have the energy or the time! I mean, do I have to have a New Year's resolution? I feel like I do things everyday to improve my life, what more can I do? I have a growing and successful business that I love, I stay home with my family, I spend time with my spouse, I go to the gym everyday, I try to be as healthy as possible, I don't smoke or anything like that, I help people, I have tons of friends, and I am very spiritual. What else is there? I wish I had more energy to do it all. Sometimes I feel like I am over stressed and irritated. I guess I need to work on relaxing and being more peaceful. So, if I have to have a resolution I guess it would be to learn to manage stress better. That would probably be the most meaningful thing to me. So there is my New Year's Resolution.

This week was the end of RSV for the baby, so I haven't gotten out of the house much. At the last minute, we ended up having a New Year's Eve party here! Because everyone was still recovering from the craziness of Christmas, no one ever thought about New Years Eve. Around noon everyone started to call asking what our plans were. Because of the baby, we had no plans to leave the house, so everyone decided to come here. It worked out fine because I had plenty of food in the house including frozen gumbo and bread from my new bread maker. I threw together a few snacks and deserts and everyone brought something with them. We had so much food and wine! It was fabulous. I even ran by the Dollar Tree and picked up a couple of last minute party favors and sent the boys out to spend my $25 entertainment budget on fireworks. Together with the neighbor's fireworks we had a full display for the evening. There is always something interesting happening here in the Theriot house!

As far as shopping goes, I was able to get a little shopping in. LOL! I am honestly so tired of shopping and my house is fully stocked! I don't need anything else. My pantry and freezer are full and I have all of the drug store items I could possibly need. Well, except for maybe some baby wipes in about a week or so. Anything else will have to go strait to charity. Now's the time for me to put some of my extra money in savings. I did chase one good deal this week for some Garnier Fructis products. At Walgreen's there were several Garnier Fructis products that were on clearance for $2.19 and there was a $2 off coupon for them in the Easy Saver catalog. So, I paid $.19 for each of them. They were mostly products that I don't use, but I donate to the Faith House every month, so they will appreciate it. I also tried Fred's to find out about the double coupons on Saturdays and found out that they double any coupon up to $.70. I bought about $15 in groceries, just the fresh items that I needed: milk, salad, bananas, oranges, baby food and baby wipes. I used a coupon for the baby food and one for the wipes. That's it for the week! I checked out the CVS sales ad for tomorrow at and didn't see anything for me to run out after. The only thing that I saw that I might possibly go for was buy 1 get 1 50% off wipes and paper plates. I can do this and use my $2 off of $10 CVS brand coupon to save even more. I'm ready to take a break from shopping for a while. I guess Christmas got the best of me!!

Thanks so much for reading my blog. I hope that you are blessed with everything you dream if this year!

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