Sunday, January 1, 2012

Frugality and Peace of Mind: Organization

Frugality and Peace of Mind: Organization

I wrote about some key concepts that lead to frugality with peace of mind, one of them being organization. The reward for organization in general, is that you have more time to spend doing leisure activities and hobbies. This leads to a more fulfilled life.

Organization in terms of frugality is really paramount. First of all, you don't want any one thing to consume your life. You don't want to spend hours and hours organizing your coupons, or shopping in the store, because you inevitably miss out on other things. Ultimately, if you do allow any one activity to become all consuming-no matter how much you enjoy it, the threat of burn-out is imminent.

The chief deterrent for many people who consider adopting a frugal lifestyle is the belief that it takes too much time to maintain. This does not have to be the case. With a bit of organization, you can enjoy a frugal lifestyle without having the burden of excessive maintenance.

  • Find the time suckers. Determine what takes up the most time in your practice of frugality and vow to organize that area of your life first. It may be your coupon binder, it may be organizing your pantry, or it may be to create a folder or file for entertainment coupons. Prioritize your organization efforts and focus on the task that will be most beneficial to you.
  • Don't let history repeat itself. At least not the history best left in the past. What is it that you find yourself doing time and time again that you know is a waste of money? Are you going to the store without a list? Are you over-buying or re-buying items simply because you can't remember if you already have it? Are you stopping for convenience food because you have nothing thawed out to cook at home? Focus on the problem area and make a plan to create a new outcome.
  • Purge. It's as simple as that. You may just be overwhelmed with stuff and you don't know where to start. Start small. Choose one area, such as your medicine cabinet-and start there. Check expiration dates and purge what you don't need. Organize the area and then make a list of what you need to stock. Then, you can organize your coupons for medicines and first aid so that you can focus on those deals in the coming weeks. steps.
  • Find the methods to your madness. Everyone's method will be different because we aren't the spawn of cookie cutters. Find what works for you, make your own lists and organize things your way. The key is to make sure that the way you've organized is easy for you to maintain and ultimately works for you.

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