Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wrapping Up the Holidays

By Nicole Comeaux, Owner of Grocery Getters, LLC

There are many frugal people out there who have holiday wrapping paper that was purchased last year (or before!) when it went on sale after Christmas. How about the rest of the world? Anybody out there, like me, that just discovered that you just thought you were frugal until you found The Budget Queen and realized you were not even close? What are you going to do to get those gifts wrapped this Christmas? Do you plan to take advantage of the “deals” on the wrapping paper on Black Friday? Guess what, not really a deal! Think about TBQ’s system: can you get it for free or close to it?

Look around your home first, you will be amazed at what you find! Maybe you have solid color bags from a recent birthday in your home, could you get your kids to draw/color them and create a “Christmas bag?” Do you have some leftover newspaper? If you do then you have a wealth of wrapping paper!!! Get involved with the kids and with some extremely inexpensive craft paint you could have some really original wrapping paper. Do you have some leftover paper from a baby/wedding shower left over and don’t see another one in the close future? Flip that over and lay it out and get to decorate! There are many images to print and color if you google “free Christmas coloring sheets.” Don’t want to waist paper and ink, how about those coloring books your kids get for Christmas and only have about 2 pages colored? Get those working for you too by piecing them together or cutting out the images and gluing to the inside of that leftover shower/birthday paper you flipped over. How about brown bags? I know I personally bought some small sandwich brown bags at some point in the year and they are in my pantry waiting to be used so my girls and I will be using them for several gifts.

Seriously, it gets ripped to shreds anyway, so why make a fuss about what the gift is wrapped in? The treat is the gift, not the wrapping.

Oh, while I’m on wrapping paper, just a tip about birthdays. I NEVER buy wrapping paper anymore. I always buy the Sunday paper for the coupons and what’s always in there? Comics, of course! I keep all the comics and whenever I have a birthday come up they make the most colorful and adorable wrapping paper! I even keep a strip and cut it in long strips then curl that with scissors for a bow!

One more thing, stay tuned for a special challenge to help keep you focused on your budget in this crazy holiday season. Details on the first Christmas Feast Challenge sponsored by The Budget Queen and CID Concierge Service coming soon!
Happy shopping (and wrapping)!

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