Friday, August 21, 2009

Hurricane Preparation on the Cheap

 Hurricane season has begun and smart shoppers are getting prepared.  Don’t get caught by surprise when a depression hits the gulf.  Be one step ahead of the crowd and start getting prepared now.

 One of the easiest and cheapest things that you can do to start preparing for hurricane season, is to gather water in empty milk jugs. Be sure to wash them out very well with warm soap and water, then fill with water and freeze or store in a pantry. The sooner you start, the more you will have in the event of a hurricane that a hurricane sneaks up on us.

 Bread is another item in demand during a hurricane. The cheapest place to find bread is at your local bread factory store. You can get bread for around one dollar per loaf, even for whole wheat. It’s much easier if you grab several loaves now and freeze them then to run out in the mad rush before the storm.

 Other non-perishable food items can be purchased throughout hurricane season as they go on sale. When you see a great deal on canned food or other meals, stock up.  Check the sales ads each week as they come in the mail to try and score some major discounts and stock your pantry.

 Drug stores, like Walgreen’s, host sales on paper plates, cups, and plastic-ware fairly often. Check your Sunday papers for free and cheap deals at drug stores and stockpile so that you don’t have to worry about how you will wash dishes in the event that you loose water.

 Generators are in high demand during a hurricane, so don’t be caught without one. Start looking into your options now. Check out discount scratch and dent warehouses, like the Sear’s warehouse in Scott, LA. You can get some pretty deep discounts for buying appliances with minor blemishes.

 Last but not least, everyone is looking for batteries on the days leading up to the storm. As expensive as they are, people tend to avoid them until the last minute. Fortunately, discounts stores like the Dollar Tree carry all sizes of batteries for only one dollar a pack. So, feel free to stock up!

 The best way to save money on hurricane preparation is to buy things ahead of time so that you are not forced into buying expensive items right before the storm. Buy a little each week and the damage will not be as bad on your pocket book as if you have to buy it all at once.  You can breathe easier if you are stocked up and ready to go instead of fighting the crowds in the days leading up to a hurricane.

 Teresa Theriot is a stay at home mother of three children. She is an expert on saving money and founder of

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