Sunday, October 25, 2009

Bounce Dryer Sheet Find

I just went to Albertson's. It was the first time that I stepped into the grocery store this week and I am so glad that I did. I went to get just a few fresh items. I recently shopped for a month, so all I really needed was milk, eggs, and fresh fruits and vegies. Of course when I see a good deal I normally jump on it, and that I did. I wasn't planning on using my drug store budget this week, because that stockpile is already pretty full. So, I used my drug store deal to buy a nearly lifetime supply of Bounce mountain scent dryer sheets and Home Life He laundry detergent. As I was walking through the store I noticed an end-cap in the middle of the store with clearance items, so of course I abandoned my basket to run over there. Nothing seemed really exciting until I bent down and noticed the mother load on the bottom shelf. For whatever reason, these fancy pants, super awesome smelling dryer sheets were originally $7.49. No wonder the didn't sell. So, I bought them all for $2 each. Which, by the way, is usually the cost of the store brand at Walmart, so beleive me it was a great deal. Too bad I didn't have any coupons because that would have been even cooler. Then, I brought them home and cut them all of the sheets in helf to double my usage. There was also 1 bottle of laundry detergent for $2 that I snatched up. That's about the best price I can get on laundry detergent even with a sale and a coupon, so I grabbed it too. Don't worry though, there was plenty of other fabric softner left to fill a basket so feel free to go and check it out. I also got more stickers for my Albertson's pots deal, so I will have my choice of any pot by Christmas.

Have a great week and happy shopping!

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