Sunday, April 19, 2009

Eating Healthy on a Budget: It's so Simple!

A few days ago I did a budget consultation for a friend of mine that really needed some financial help. We sat down and looked at several programs that she and her husband tried and failed to use in the past. I was glad to help because they had been trying to get through creating a budget without fighting for a long time. I asked them what some of their goals were and they answered like most other couples, travel, financial security, etc. But, this particular friend of mine revealed that she had always dreamed of having another baby. Shortly there after, she also revealed to me that she was concerned about cutting back because she wanted to maintain a healthy diet in order to later become pregnant. I told her that it was definitely possible, to which she responded that it wasn't. She said that everything on sale is always processed foods, nothing healthy. I was shocked at what she told me because my family and I eat very well. But, this isn't the first time that I have heard this, so I want to address this misconception head on. In reality most people eat better and loose weight by shopping smarter.

The first step to saving money on your groceries is to create a menu plan based on things you already have and what's on sale. If you pick up a sales ad for your local grocer you will see that there are plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean meats on sale, not just processed foods. Circle all of the items that you would want to eat and add them to your menu plan for the week. This process is great because not only does it save you money on groceries, but it also allows you to create a menu plan that follows your diet. In doing this you have all of the foods that you need to eat healthy each day. Once you are done creating your menu plan you can post it up on your fridge so that there is no question about what you should eat when you are hungry. You will actually eat much healthier by having a menu plan.

Another thing that is fantastic about having a menu plan is that you eat out so much less. When you get home from a long day at work, there is always something to eat. You never have to guess what you will make and will have less of a chance of running out and buying something from a restaurant. Also, more of your meals are made from scratch, which is much healthier and has less preservatives than the food you will find in a restaurant. Several of my clients have confessed to loosing weight from this alone. Less restaurant food equals less fat and preservatives, so again frugal eating is better for your health.

Lastly, because frugal eating requires that you eat things that are inexpensive and on sale, you will eat more of the fruits and vegetables that are in season. Our bodies are naturally designed for the fruits and vegetables that are in season, so you will be getting the nutrients that your body needs! You also get to eat a better variety of fruits and vegetables as they go on sale.

So as you can see, you actually eat much healthier when you cut back on your spending because you are eating less at restaurants, cooking more from scratch, and eating the foods that are in season. It's also easier to stick to a diet because you can plan your meals in advance. You are not bound to boxed meals and frozen foods. There are plenty of healthy foods on sale each week that you can choose from to fill in your menu plan. Don't forget to stockpile when you see a great deal on something you love!


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