Welcome to The Budget Queen Blog where you can see what's on the mind of the Queen Bee herself. Follow along and read about her journey to find the best sales, bargains, steals, and deals out there. I hope this is helpful to all of our frugal friends. Happy Saving! --We are located in Lafayette, LA, so prices in other areas may be different.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Hobbies Anyone?
Do you have a hobby that saves you money? I do: cooking. I love to cook. I love finding new ways for old dishes and incorporating my own style into new recipes that I find. My spice cupboard is outrageous and that is my splurge. I don’t skimp on my spices and I am brand specific on certain spices. I know this eats into my budget when I need to restock something pricey but it is part of who and what I am and I refuse to change. My sister loves to come over because she says that she never eats the same thing twice. I love that in my home the kitchen is referred to as “Café Comeaux” and I pride myself on my original dishes. Honestly, most of them are made on the fly based on flavors/ingredients being used and past experiences either in my kitchen or someone else’s that influenced me one way or another.
Being such an avid cook really helps with our frugal lifestyle. I know that for some of you this is a challenge but being passionate about something can really change your perception. For example, how many of you have hobbies that you do simply because you enjoy doing them and they just happen to save you money? Do you sew? I wish I did. If there isn’t a button involved I’m calling my dear friend Sally who is a whiz with needle and thread. I’ve thought many times that I could save a bundle and add money to my budget if I took up sewing but it doesn’t interest me in the least so I don’t make time to even explore that option.
So, how can you use your hobby to save money? Well, first think about the things that make you passionate. I don’t just mean things that you like to do every once in a while because it’s fun but if you do it to much you’ll get bored with it. I mean something that you do everyday because it is part of who you are. Now, think of how that something can save or make you money.
Do you journal? How about starting a blog? It’s free with blogspot.com and you have the option to invite Google to add sponsors to your blog.
You choose how you want the ads to work for you and get to journaling. So, easy!
Do you enjoy reading? Start a book club. Invite some friends over that are as passionate about reading as you and take turns hosting the gathering. You save money on trips to the library (or eeeks! the bookstore) and you get to have adult conversation about something that is extremely intellectually stimulating.
The options are endless. If you haven’t created your New Year’s Resolution List for 2010 start one today and add: “Find out how and make my hobby can work for me.” I think you will be pleasantly surprised by how enlightened this new year will be!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Getting Organized
Christmas is almost upon us! For many of us the shopping is done, maybe even the wrapping is done. But how about all the stuff that’s already there? Yes, you are going to have to make room for all the new stuff, but where?!? In my family our girls only get a little because of our beliefs so making room for just a couple of gifts would not be a big deal, but they have grandparents and they are spoiled, so we go through the same Christmas ritual every year. We sort.
In my world I wear many hats and being a professional organizer is one of them. I helped a client get her home right for the holidays this weekend. We did a great deal of sorting and in the end there really wasn’t much left to organize. I actually have fun doing this and love getting to the end result but I am probably very close to alone in my world. Sorting can feel like such a daunting task to many but in actuality it is extremely quick if you are honest with yourself and you don’t reminisce over every item.
Here are the three key piles you need to make in organizing ANYTHING: throw, donate/consign, keep. (Do NOT try to do anything with the keep pile until the other two are out of the house! This will not keep you focused and will turn a very simple job into something that you will complain about later because it took too long.) The key is complete honesty. Let’s start with the throw pile. Don’t go crazy here there are many things you might consider trash that others would not so my suggestion is only throw it if it is broken (and cannot be repaired) or stained. It doesn’t matter that you think the missing piece is around somewhere or that the shirt only has a little spot on the collar. It has breathed its last breath, let it go.
Then there is the donate/consign pile. This pile is for anything you don’t or can’t use anymore. You do not necessarily need to donate it. Here is the advice I give my clients: if you do not itemize your taxes, then put it at a consignment shop or have a garage sale if you have enough items to warrant one. If you don’t itemize your taxes and you only have a couple of hundred dollars worth of stuff you are better off trying to get immediate (or almost immediate with consignment) cash. If you have big ticket items that could get you some cash go for it! Now, I’m no CPA so get advice from one or an accountant before you do anything just to be on the safe side.
Finally, the really fun part, the keep pile. Now you’ve decided what to keep what are you going to do with it? Make more piles, of course! Now these piles are specific to the individual and your convenience. You know you and your family better than anyone so what you do depends on how you will keep it up. Don’t think those CD’s are going to stay alphabetized, so organize them according to genre, favorites, or location. Are you constantly aggravated about the shoes by the door that no one seems to put away until you do it or you tell them to do it with clenched teeth? Then put a basket or one of those small shoe racks that sits on the floor and can hold about 10 pairs of shoes. The mess is contained and your stress level goes down… a little. How about your children’s rooms? How are you going to organize what you decided to keep? I highly suggest getting rid of any deep-dish toy boxes immediately. They encourage clutter, which is the opposite of your goal. There are other solutions like plastic drawers or if you know someone with woodworking skills maybe you could get one custom built for very little money. Whatever you do I suggest you don’t buy anything to help you get organized until you know how you will keep it. I know it can be tempting to give in to all the cute options available but before you buy anything decide how you want to keep it, look around to see if you have something that could get that done, and ask friends or relatives if they have what you are looking for and they are not using it. Here’s a great example. My daughter loves shoes and so does her grandmother so her grandmother feeds my daughter’s love and fills her closet. I got so tired of organizing her shoes at the bottom of her closet. No matter what system I put into place they always ended up mixed up and unorganized because she would be in a hurry just once or twice and throw the shoes in and messing with my system. So, I asked around and a relative had one of the shallow boxes that fit under the bed that she wasn’t using. Now she kicks the shoes off, throws them in the box, and pushes the box under the bed. If she doesn’t have a problem looking for the matching shoe why should I, as long as I don’t have to see the mess, its no problem. The solution fits her personality and mine. Know how to organize is not just finding some cute or chic box or container, it is about being honest with yourself from the beginning.
If you are perplexed about how to handle a specific problem email me nicole@grocerygettersllc.com and I would gladly help you find a solution and some peace of mind!
Happy Sorting!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Running On Empty
Well, it’s the holiday season again and we all feel like we are running crazy. By the time Christmas gets here we feel like we’re running on fumes. How about we stand our ground and let this year be different. You can’t imagine the overflow of time you acquire when you plan your day/week well.
I am reading a wonderful book about entrepreneurism by Mike Michalowicz. In this eye-opening book he wrote a line that truly inspired me: “ Your success is completely determined by how you use you mind, how you manage your critical resources, and how decisively you act to achieve the ‘impossible’ with very few traditional resources.” One of our traditional resources is time. Even if, no, especially if you have very little of it, what you do with it is extremely important. I am the first to tell people how important budgeting time can be and even I got caught up in the last couple of weeks and felt like I was running in circles because I didn’t take the time to budget time for exactly what needed to be done.
In this holiday season I encourage all to budget time to give away. Take time to visit a nursing home, serve at a soup kitchen, babysit for a neighbor or friend just because, read a good book that can inspire you and your family, or read the Christmas story from the Bible with your family to stay focused on the reason for the season.
The best part about giving time is that you are blessed through what you are doing. It’s easy to buy something and have it delivered. I know how difficult it can be to schedule time to give away especially during the holiday season, but I think you will see it’s worth every minute. A really great perk: it’s totally free!
Please, find it in you to act decisively to achieve the impossible with the extremely limited traditional resource you have and give time to someone who could use some uplifting and encouragement this holiday season. You will quickly see how full your tank becomes when you give what you don’t think you have simply by including it in your budget.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Portion Control
Have you had a family gathering lately where there was just too much food leftover? There are leftovers, and then there is waste. In line with our Christmas Feast Challenge I would like to challenge you to keep things within a manageable level. Let’s look at a couple of examples.
Thanksgiving Day we hosted the feast in our home and everyone brought a dish. My sister and her fiancé brought the potato salad. Well, I think they thought they were feeding a small army! We sent everyone home with plates of food and everyone had enough potato salad I assure you and we were still left with a truck- load. Her defense when I asked why she brought so much was that she wanted to make sure there was enough. Well, mission accomplished!
If you are participating in the Christmas Feast Challenge I highly encourage you to consider portion control. Let’s take the potato salad example again. If you were to have a baked potato with a steak you would only have ONE, right? Well, if you are preparing potato salad know that the average person will not put more than ½ cup in their plate especially if there are several dishes there for them to enjoy. In a half-cup of potato salad you have only about a half a potato, less than you would have with a steak! So, say you are having 10 people over, how many potatoes do you need? Yes, five average size potatoes are all you need. Now, I know you think I’m crazy but if you try it you will be amazed. If you want leftovers for family and friends to take home and so that you don’t have to cook again for dinner, then of course, cook more. But there is no reason to go overboard. Also, keep the extra aside and don’t factor that into the feast in your cost per person.
Now let’s get into that cost per person. Keeping with our potato salad example let’s say we are having 10 people over and we need 5 average size potatoes. That weighs about 2.5 lbs. Obviously, that’s half of a 5lb bag of potatoes. Let’s say you bought a 5lb bag of potatoes for $3.00. (I know you could find a better deal just work with me here) Half of that is $1.50. Now in my house we like a plain potato salad (in the words of my daughter, “no crunchies!”). So, to my 5 potatoes I will add 4 boiled eggs, mayonnaise, and a touch of mustard. My eggs were 1.25 for the dozen and I used 1/3 so that’s $0.31. The mayonnaise and mustard are minute but must be calculated so I’ll figure $0.25 for the mayonnaise and $0.10 for the mustard. My total cost for the bowl of potato salad is $2.15 and I divide that among 10 people for a total of $0.22 per person. Phew! A little work but worth every penny!
I know you can do this. Just think how much your family will benefit from this activity when you are all done. I know you’re out there finding deals and planning your feasts, I hope you are having fun. Remember what this season is about and simply enjoy the experience.
Happy saving!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Christmas Feast Challange 2009
Well, now that most of your shopping is done (hopefully) you can concentrate on the holiday itself. I know in our family the meal is always a big deal, aside from the gifts of course, and even though we try hard not to, we always seem to go overboard with the food. Well, this year I am standing my ground and refusing to let it happen again! Does this sound familiar to you? Well, if it doesn’t you are rare and you are going to love what I am about to propose because you will think you were born for it. For the rest of us, it will keep us focused on the task at hand: keeping the Christmas Feast reasonable. The Budget Queen and Grocery Getters LLC/CID Concierge Service have partnered to offer you an incentive for keeping things under control this year.
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to create a Christmas Feast that not only is to die for but costs pennies on the dollar! The family that creates the Christmas Feast for the smallest cost per person will win. Do not be mistaken: it is not just for huge families! You need to shop for the number of people you are feeding and keep the cost per person as low as you can possibly get it.
Okay, so now you want to know what you’re playing for right? Of course you do! Well, first prize is a free budget consultation with The Budget Queen in January. This way you can make sure you will start off 2010 with a bang! First prize will also get a free shopping trip from Grocery Getters LLC. All you do is give your list and coupons and we will shop your list for you! Second prize is 2 free hours of service time from CID and third prize is 1 free hour of service from CID. You can use the hours of service as soon as you win or bank them with us until you run into a week that has you running crazy and you need some help getting your regular tasks done. There will also be two honorable mention awards too. These awards will go to the most creative meal and the most “from scratch” meal. These families will win a 10% discount from CID to use however/whenever they see fit.
The rules are simple. You must have an appetizer, main meat dish (turkey, roast, etc), at least 3 sides (greens, vegetables, etc), and of course, dessert. Whatever is brought to the table must be calculated in. If your family all pitches in with a dish their cost must be calculated as well. So, either get them involved in the game (and make sure they keep receipts) or offer to pay for everything and then get them the ingredients before the big day. Just keep a log of everything bought, what you spent and the total cost per person, don’t forget to attach the receipts. The rest of us will want more than just what you spent, we will want to see how you saved with the deals you found and used, so a small note next to each item would be a plus. Also, get creative with the menu! Try to keep costs down by making something from scratch. But, most of all have fun!
If you have any questions please contact me at nicole@grocerygettersllc.com.
I can’t wait to see what you cook up!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Back from Black Friday!
Thanksgiving Day - prepared for Black Friday, got all of my ads in line and had a list with all of the items I needed for each store. My partner in crime helped me to come up with a game plan for the night and I napped as much as I could all day long.
10:00 pm - Took a shower and packed the car with blankets, drinks, sales ads, lists, etc. Left my purse home and only brought a credit card and drivers license. I didn't want to be a target for criminals, so no cash...and the credit card has great coverage if it is stolen. I also had my cell phone. I folded down all of the seats in the back of the van so that we would have plenty of room for our stuff. I also made a copy of my list for Taffy incase she saw something on my list while she was in the store.
11:30 pm - Picked up Taffy, aka my partner in crime. She had overslept, so I spent a few minutes playing with her dog while she threw clothes on and ran out the door to head for Toys-R-Us.
11:50 am - We drive up to Toys-R-Us and our mouths drop in utter shock! There must have been 3,000 people in line. I have never seen this kind of thing in Lafayette. We park and stand at the front of the line with the TV station to watch the madness. There is no way I am getting in that line. It backed all the way up to the old Super K Mart. How long was that? Maybe 1/4 mile.
12:00 pm - Toys-R-Us opens their doors and is letting the line in 30 PEOPLE AT A TIME!!! I think that there is no way we are getting in. I was ready to move on. We leave and go to the next place on our list, Target. There are already 2 people waiting in line...a few kids trying to get their hands on the flat screen TV's. We decide to get in line. By that time we are #8 and #9 in line.We sat, covered with blankets and tried to figure out what we could get at Target that we clearly wouldn't get at Toys-R-Us. It wasn't really happening. We decided that maybe it was better to go home and shop online than to freeze for 5 HOURS!
1:00 am - We decide to go have breakfast and rethink our game plan. Passed by Toys-R-Us on the way out and the line had only moved by maybe 100 feet. UGH! We went to Waffle House and ate our fill!!! Then we were really tired. We decided to drive around again and see how things were moving.
2:15 am -So, we passed by Toys-R-Us again and the line was drastically shorter. Taffy thought we should wait a while before we tried again, so we drove around to see what was happening at each store. Kohl's was basically dead, other than about 5 people sleeping in their cars in the parking lot. But, Target had grown a line that wrapped around the building. We also noticed that a line was starting to emerge at Old Navy! I made the call to go back to Toys-R-Us and wait in line!
2:30 am - We are in line at Target. We are standing in front of the old Home Furniture store and the line is moving fairly quickly.
3:00 am - WE MADE IT IN TO TOYS-R-US!!! WOO HOO! We are finally moving! Once we started to get the things we were looking for we were on fire and on a roll. We got almost everything we went in for despite the huge crowd that had come through!
3:40 am - In line to check out at electronics. They are only letting 3 people into the electronics section at a time, so it was moving pretty slowly. I had to go through electronics to get the deals in there for my kid's wish lists. When I got in, they still had enough of everything I was looking for!! KUDOS to Toy's-R-Us for having plenty of supplies for their deals!
4:10 am - Leaving Toys-R-Us! We did it. On to Kohl's, which was the next store open!
4:30 am - Made it to Kohl's. Thank goodness the crowd had already gone into the store, no lines. Went in, got our stuff and waited in line to check out.
5:20 am - made it out of Kohl's! Pit stop at Starbucks to refuel. The nausea from tiredness is starting to kick in. Walked in instead of going through the drive thru (it was much faster). Headed to target.
5:30 am - TARGET!!! The line was already gone and in the store. I have to say, I have NEVER seen so many people at one time in one store! It was CRAZY!!!! There were no baskets AT ALL!! There was no method to the madness. Taffy and I split up just grabbing what we could! Finally we met up in the girls clothing section. We began to make a pile of stuff there. I manned the pile, while she ran off to find what she needed and vice versa. Finally she was able to snag a basket from one of her friends that she saw at the check-out counter!! Eureka! We got in line to check out, but the lines were almost to the BACK OF THE STORE!!! I ran to snack place to get some food because the nausea was so strong. I had a coupon for a free soda that I got from Target.com, so I got that plus some hash browns for only $.87! I got back to the line and Taffy told me that there was NO WAIT at the photo check out. I didn't want to chance getting out of line, so I ran over there to find out. Sure enough, only 3 PEOPLE IN LINE! So I called Taffy on her cell and she jetted across the store to get in line! WOO HOO! We made it!
7:30 am - Decided to hit World Market, but I forgot my coupons at home! We ran back to my house (only 5 minutes away) and snuck in quietly to grab them. Didn't wake up anyone in the house! Score! Ran back to World Market.
7:45 am - We made it into World Market! It wasn't very crazy, and the deals were better than I expected. PLUS, they had breakfast, hot chocolate, and coffee! Thank You World Market! That was wonderful after such a long night! We had $10 off of $50 coupons, so we got the best deals we could find. I filled up my whole basket for $50 (paid a little over $40) and checked out.
8:30 - Time to go home. I dropped Taffy off. I was on my way home and couldn't resist yet one more deal, so I stopped at Walgreen's to get the buy one get one free 4' Christmas trees for $19.99. I also got a couple of the items that were free with register rewards.
9:00 am - Home at last! I put up my 2 Christmas trees by the front door and hid my gifts. Went in side and relieved my husband so that he could go do his Black Friday shopping!
What a night! I almost gave up. Thank goodness for my partner in crime, for she kept me motivated when I was ready to give in and go to bed. We made out like bandits! Almost everything we bought was 50 - 90% off! For the few things I still need for Christmas...it will have to wait for Cyber Monday!!! WOO HOO!
Happy Holidays!!!!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Wrapping Up the Holidays
There are many frugal people out there who have holiday wrapping paper that was purchased last year (or before!) when it went on sale after Christmas. How about the rest of the world? Anybody out there, like me, that just discovered that you just thought you were frugal until you found The Budget Queen and realized you were not even close? What are you going to do to get those gifts wrapped this Christmas? Do you plan to take advantage of the “deals” on the wrapping paper on Black Friday? Guess what, not really a deal! Think about TBQ’s system: can you get it for free or close to it?
Look around your home first, you will be amazed at what you find! Maybe you have solid color bags from a recent birthday in your home, could you get your kids to draw/color them and create a “Christmas bag?” Do you have some leftover newspaper? If you do then you have a wealth of wrapping paper!!! Get involved with the kids and with some extremely inexpensive craft paint you could have some really original wrapping paper. Do you have some leftover paper from a baby/wedding shower left over and don’t see another one in the close future? Flip that over and lay it out and get to decorate! There are many images to print and color if you google “free Christmas coloring sheets.” Don’t want to waist paper and ink, how about those coloring books your kids get for Christmas and only have about 2 pages colored? Get those working for you too by piecing them together or cutting out the images and gluing to the inside of that leftover shower/birthday paper you flipped over. How about brown bags? I know I personally bought some small sandwich brown bags at some point in the year and they are in my pantry waiting to be used so my girls and I will be using them for several gifts.
Seriously, it gets ripped to shreds anyway, so why make a fuss about what the gift is wrapped in? The treat is the gift, not the wrapping.
Oh, while I’m on wrapping paper, just a tip about birthdays. I NEVER buy wrapping paper anymore. I always buy the Sunday paper for the coupons and what’s always in there? Comics, of course! I keep all the comics and whenever I have a birthday come up they make the most colorful and adorable wrapping paper! I even keep a strip and cut it in long strips then curl that with scissors for a bow!
One more thing, stay tuned for a special challenge to help keep you focused on your budget in this crazy holiday season. Details on the first Christmas Feast Challenge sponsored by The Budget Queen and CID Concierge Service coming soon!
Happy shopping (and wrapping)!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Frugal Education
Think about how much money you spend on school uniforms each year, per child. I spend NO money on uniforms.
How about lunch money do you spend every month? We get creative with leftovers and spend pennies for lunch.
How much money do you spend on gas getting your children to and from school? Obviously, that’s not even an issue with home schooling.
Maybe your children attend a private school because you prefer the smaller class size and other benefits of private education like the inclusion of biblical values. In a public school the teacher/student ratio is usually 22-30:1 depending on the parish. In our home the ratio is 1:1 and we spend the first half-hour or more depending on the discussion at hand learning about and incorporating biblical values into our day and our lives.
How much do you spend on tuition every month/year per child? I spend $450 a year on a great curriculum (ABEKA) which is used by many wonderful private education schools across the nation.
Are your children participating in extracurricular activities after school? My children participate in “after-school” activities but we aren’t stressed about the balance of the activities and homework because our school work is done by noon. I am left with ample time to get dinner cooked, shopping done, housecleaning taken care of, etc. My children can help with all these things and they are learning valuable lessons while we spend quality time together.
There are so many frugal reasons to home school your children. I could go on for days with questions like these. I know this option is not available to everyone but it is definitely worth investigating. If you think your only reason for not doing it is the need for a second income, then maybe you should look at your budget. The Budget Queen can help with that because of the very affordable consultations available.
If you have any questions or concerns please let me know about them and I will do my best to help you in any way I can.
Nicole Comeaux
Owner – Grocery Getters LLC
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Inexpensive Holiday Crafting
Looking for something fun to do with your kids over the Thanksgiving holiday but don’t want to spend much or anything at all? Look to your local library! The Main Branch on Congress is hosting some crafts the weeks the children are on break for Thanksgiving and Christmas/New Year. All you have to do is register the child/children.
Here’s another great idea for some fun crafts: Oriental Trading. They usually sell packs of crafts by the classroom size but if you got together with a couple of friends or neighbors the cost would be extremely affordable for all involved. Sometimes I visit the site just for craft ideas and find what I can around the house to create them without having to spend a penny. Maybe you and your friends can look through the site and find something you all can create together by pooling your craft supplies. Oh, the possibilities!! Oriental Trading is also having a $500 gift card give-away right now that you can enter everyday to win. If your family loves crafts that would be a fabulous win!!
Another site I love is About.com. there is a wealth of ideas on that site for crafts that can be done with household items if you are strapped for cash or you just want to teach your children how to be extremely resourceful.
These are just a few of my thoughts. If you have something you use for inspiration please share!
Happy Crafting!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Stockpiling and Coupons…Who would have thought?
I had the most interesting experience this week with coupons. You see I just recently adopted the Budget Queen Method. I have tried to use coupons in the past and I never had any success. There were so many reasons why I failed. First, I wasn’t using my coupons in conjunction with sales. My experience taught me: why bother going through the paper, clipping coupons, and getting all excited just to get to the market and find the store brand less that the item I am shopping for with a coupon. I was frugal enough: I made a menu, and shopped my list and no more. Second, I did not believe in stock piling. My thoughts were that if I stocked then we would eat the same things over and over and that is boring, I mean hey, my favorite channel is Food Network! I love to experiment and the idea of stock piling made me feel trapped. Well, feel free to stock and get creative is my new motto. So, here’s why my Friday was really interesting.
I went to BQ’s forum to check out the really good deals and saw that Super One was having a sale on their Ronzini Pasta: 1/$0.48. With the manufacturer’s coupon which $1.00 off two, the pasta would be free. Well, I just got all excited! So I had some coupons and a list of other items on sale that I had coupons for and I was about to embark upon my first experience of seeing coupons really work for me! But, I was greatly disappointed. At the register I was told that I couldn’t use the coupons because they were more that the item was listed for. Now, mind you I knew their coupon policy said that I was allowed to use them and I even had a friend do this just the day before. Well, because I was about to cry and I needed to be home soon, I didn’t take the time to argue. I left everything at the register and left. Then, I got on the phone with The Budget Queen and boy was she angry too! But, here was her secret: she used the self-checkout lane!! She knew they would probably give her grief so she by-passed them altogether! Eureka! Well, I went to another store and used the self-checkout with no problems. So, the solution is using the self-checkout, right? Not necessarily. Because I didn’t have the time to argue my point I would have found this to be the case: the floor manager didn’t want to give me the credit balance that was due. No, problem, she could have just erased the credit and made the pasta free. So in the end I got my EIGHT boxes of pasta for free in the self-checkout lane and used my coupons to my advantage for the first time! Yes, I need to get a little more aggressive, but for all you newbies like me out there, don’t be dismayed. Know your store’s coupon policy, and be ready for cashiers who think you are trying to pull a scam. Ask for the manager if necessary and when all is settled guide the cashier to www.thebudgetqueen.com! He or she will be your new best friend!
And what do you think I’m going to do with all that pasta? Well, get creative, of course! Stockpiling is not a trap; it’s a way of life!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Quality Time
Meetings to make, money to earn, coupons to clip, dinner to cook, children to bathe, the list goes on and on. We are such a busy society that the most important people in our lives can get overlooked. Budgeting money is extremely important, but so is budgeting our time. I played the simplest game with my three-year-old tonight for about an hour: “penny toss.” We started with coins from the piggy bank, then she decided to try other things. We tossed little triangles into the jar, and even little people from a board game. She had a blast and it cost absolutely nothing. Eventually my seven-year-old came along to investigate all the giggling and wanted to become a part of the fun. Soon, we had dad’s attention too! Its so easy to think that to have quality time you have to spend money doing something or going somewhere, but with a little creativity and imagination anything is possible. Now, I have small children and they are very easily entertained for a great price, but what about those teenagers, you know they won’t be sold on the “penny toss.” So, here’s a few ideas for you: take turns listening to favorite radio stations (loads of laughs here I’m sure), go for a drive – let him/her try if you dare, cook something together, go to the park and do something childish like swing or slide, or let your teenager teach you how to do something (this should definitely be entertaining!). Whatever the age, there is time to do it if you budget your time as well as your money and you can be frugal about it if you just make your mind up to do so.
Oh! By the way, the public library is hosting some cool craft activities over the Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks so if you are looking for something to do in that time but strapped for cash check out their website’s calendar, you might find something that you and/or your child would enjoy.
Have a safe weekend!!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Homemade Halloween Costumes
Saving money is a pastime for many of us, but in these economic times some of us just don’t have the choices that we were graced with perhaps just one year ago. Halloween is just around the corner and who can afford $25-$30 (or more!) for ONE costume that ONE child will wear ONCE. There are so many ways to go homemade this year and have the most creative costume on the block. I know, many of you are thinking, “Okay, but what do I do?” Well, the answer comes in many forms. Take just a few moments to ask your child a few questions or just think of his or her interests. Or, even better, make it a creative lesson!
There are tons of websites out there to offer ideas if you don’t have a clue where to start. Just use your favorite search engine for “homemade Halloween costumes.” I did just that and was blessed with a plethora of ideas. Even if none of the ideas interest you it might spark another in you that will knock your children’s socks off. Here are a few of the sites I found truly inspiring:
These are but a few of the millions out there. The last site listed gives a list of wonderful ideas you could pull off with out purchasing anything and can be put together in a flash. I found a great idea for a young Chinese girl that will only require me to purchase some white face paint. We can research the idea online or at the library and enrich our lives with a little international culture lesson as well as celebrate Halloween.
There are great deals to be had if you look in the right places, too. Wal-Mart has these great kits for $5 that have all the accessories and face paints put together for you and you just have to provide the clothing to go with it. Walgreens has a few costumes left for $10 or left, and Dollar General has a few for $10 or less as well. Of course, I think the best deals are found at home, though.
Whatever you do, have fun doing it and enjoy every moment! I hope you and yours have a great Halloween! Happy Haunting!
Bounce Dryer Sheet Find
Have a great week and happy shopping!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Back in the Saddle
This week I was able to do a month shop at the grocery store. Because of the $30 off coupon that is available at Albertson's, I wanted to take advantage of stockpiling my fridge, pantry, and freezer. I made a menu plan for 1 month with only the best sales at Albertson's. There was also an additional coupon for 3 free products when you buy 10, so we will be having a whole lot of spaghetti over the next month....not really, but it is a staple in our house because it's so cheap and easy. The only other coupon that I used was a peelie on the Flip Side crackers for $1 off of 1 box. They were 2/$2.50, so the coupon made them $1.50. That was a nice surprise.
As for drug store deals, I still haven't ventured into that world yet since I just unpacked a huge stockpile of products and didn't feel the need to spend money on that when there are so many little things we need for the new house. Speaking of which, there is TONS of storage in this new house. I have a full size closet pantry in the kitchen, another in the hall, another under the stairs, and floor to ceiling storage in the laundry. It is a stockpiler's dream and was so worth the wait!!! I will post photos when I can.
Have a great week! Please e-mail me!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
A Relaxing Day/ Recycled Cycles

Does life get any less busy? I had my first breath of fresh air yesterday after passing my real estate exam!! We celebrated with a day at the park and a trip downtown. It was so much fun!!! We rented bicycles from Recycled Cycles downtown and had a blast riding near the fountain...not to mention getting a little wet. The bikes were SO affordable: $10/hr or $15/day. They only charged us $5 for the vintage kiddy bike. We loved the two seater, it was a 1950's green bike with glitter seats! You have to try it!!!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Are we addicted to spending?
By Teresa Theriot, Founder of www.TheBudgetQueen.com
My aggravation with the American spending problem peaked this week with my mother. She came home with a pack of batteries from the drug store when she clearly had plenty of batteries in her back bedroom. When confronted, her excuse was that my son was sleeping in there. It was easier for her to drive to the store and spend money on something that she already owned than to wait an hour for my son to wake up. The sad thing is that although most people think the idea is plain crazy, many of us have done it before for one reason or another.
It really got me thinking about how completely unconscious people are with their money, and why so many people are struggling with their finances. What has happened to America? Have we become so completely spoiled that we are addicted to spending? I decided that I had to find the answers, in hopes that I could help people stop spending. Surprisingly, I found many of the answers within myself.
Waiting to buy a new house, I have been staying with my parents rent-free. Having that extra wiggle room in my budget has made me feel a little loose with my pocket book. Although I have a strict budget every week, I was running out of money much faster than I normally do. Last week I hit a fabulous clearance sale at JC Penny and spent my whole budget for the week in one day. I decided that something had to change, so I embarked on a no spending challenge.
On day one, I realized that I was just as bad as the rest of America. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, I too had become a victim of convenience shopping. Although the things I bought were usually very cheap and I never went over budget, I too have become accustomed to buying things on an almost daily basis. How could I have let this happen?
So, I stopped spending on everything. I said no to lunch out with a friend, even when I had room in my budget, and opted to eat at her house. I turned down my favorite treat, CC’s coffee, and brought my own coffee to the coffee shop to study. I reluctantly turned down my son’s request for a book and told him to use his allowance. I almost caved for coffee filters but used paper towels instead. I made greeting cards on my computer, refused to grocery shop, and easily found ways to use what I already had to get what I needed. My creative juices were overflowing.
My thinking began to change back to what it once was. I felt free and in control of my budget. I started to use the things I already had in a much more conscious way and began to appreciate the things I own. I was happier and having fun making things that I normally couldn’t “find the time” to make.
It’s no wonder that people in poorer countries have less, yet are much happier. They appreciate the things they own. In order to be truly happy, we must be grateful for what we have. In order to be grateful we must make use of the things we own and stop buying more things that we don’t have time to appreciate. There is no other way to explain the sense of enlightenment that I feel than to challenge you to a spend-free week. So, give it a shot, even if it’s just for one day, and you will reap the benefits of what you learn.
Teresa Theriot is a stay at home mother of three children. She is an expert on saving money and founder of www.thebudgetqueen.com.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Getting Busier
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Moving Forward by Standing Still
Friday, August 21, 2009
Hurricane Preparation on the Cheap
Hurricane season has begun and smart shoppers are getting prepared. Don’t get caught by surprise when a depression hits the gulf. Be one step ahead of the crowd and start getting prepared now.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Moving Madness
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Transaction 1:
3 boxes of CVS pencils @ $.99 each - free with ECB's
= $3.20 OutOfPocket
PLUS - this transaction gave me an extra $2 ECB for quarterly earnings
Transaction 2:
3 rolls of CVS tape @ $1.49 each - free with ECB's
- minus $2.97 ECB's from pencils
=$1.62 OOP
Transaction 3:
1 pack CVS pantyliners @ $.89 - free with ECB's
3 boxes of Post Trail Mix Crunch 3/$10 get $5 in ECB's
-minus 3 - $2 off printable coupons
- $4.47 ECB's from tape
= $.45 OOP
Transaction 4:
1 Jumbo pack Pampers @ $8.99
- $1 off Pampers coupon
- $ 7.89 in ECB's
= $.08 OOP
Total OOP: $5.35 (full retail price would have been $32.83 + tax)
Trash Talk
I finally ran out of my commercial trashcan liners from Sam's. I bought a box almost a year ago and dated them 8/08 so I would know how long they lasted. I finally ran out yesterday! My husband, The King, said that if he hadn't used them in the yard they would have lasted a full year. I went to Sam's this morning to purchase a new box of the 33 gallon 32o ct commercial trashcan liners and they were $17.44, $5 more than last year. Still, you can't beat that price!
My $220 Summer
Sadly, we have been so busy that we still haven't spent anymore of our summer entertainment budget. We have however been finding free things to do. My eldest went to camp for free for a week at the Lite Center. You can't beat that!! He had a blast and learned so much. We plan on enjoying more of the freebies at the library and I have been collecting coupons for another 'blowout' week at the end of summer.
TBQ House
We sold our house on Wednesday and bought a new house on Friday, so The Budget Queen is moving! The new owners want us out in 2 weeks, so wish me luck! We have been getting free milk boxes from Super One and free papers for packing from The Independent and The Times - sorry guys for wasting your papers, but you know I love you. I am actually getting rid of more stuff than I am packing, so feel free to stop by and pick up some junk before I send it to Goodwill. (just e-mail me if you don't already know where I live). I love my new house, I can't wait for you all to see it!!
Hope you are all having a great week! See you at the coupon swap!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
My $220 Summer: Part 4
This week I had a week where I was completely sick of being frugal. I think sometimes we get so caught up in saving money that we let go of taking care of ourselves. I was frustrated because I had to go on TV Tuesday and I thought my hair looked terrible and I didn't have anything to wear. I told the King that I was sick of being frugal and he said it sounds like a great article! So, I'm sure I'll be writing an article about it soon!! Anyway, he convinced me to go out and get some clothes and a hair cut. So, I went to Ross and got a whole new wardrobe for about $70. Then, I used a gift certificate that I got from Darla Aton at House of Style here in Lafayette. She was super sweet and she cut my hair much shorter than before! It feels sooooo good! I love it. It was definitely worth every penny. I think I just needed a break. I will have to take a picture tonight and post it so you can see my hair.
It's funny because the whole point of being so frugal is that we can save all of this extra money to have what we need. Yet, when I clearly need a haircut and some clothes, I think I can't afford it. The truth is that we have saved a ton of money over the last few years simply by being super frugal and only spending $100 a week. I think we all get sick of being frugal sometimes because it isn't easy, but the rewards are phenomenal. I just thought is was important for everyone to know that even The Budget Queen gets sick of being frugal sometimes. So, don't feel bad if you get sick of it. Just take a little break and then get back to your goals. I think the reason we get sick of it is because we are missing things that we need, like me and my wardrobe. So, it's important to make sure that we are taking care of ourselves. The one thing I did, so this wouldn't happen to me again, is I made another hair appointment for 2 months from now. I know that people normally go every 6 weeks, but I was going every 3 months! I was waiting until I got absolutely frustrated before I went again! Putting it on the schedule and budgeting for it will ensure that my needs are being met, especially because I have to be on TV!!
Anyway, thanks for reading/listening. Write again soon.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
My $220 Summer: Part 3
Hello World,
My mission continues.
I have to do a little catching up since I haven't written in 2 days. Thursday was the last time that we spent anything, so I will shoot you back in time to tell you all about it. Thursday the kids decided to go to the Incredible Pizza Company. We thought the King should be a part of that venture so we waited until he got off of work to go. Having been there in the past I was truly concerned about the cost. I thought for sure we were going to blow our budget, but I am always looking for ways to stretch the money, so I was still hopeful. First off, I had a coupon from my Entertainment book - 2 free kids buffets with the purchase of 2 adult buffets - so all of the kids got in free because they didn't charge for the baby. $22.42. Then, we found out that on Thursday's they double any of the game cards you purchase, so we got one for $20 that doubled to $40. Then they told us that everytime you spend $20 you get an extra $5 for free. So, for $20 we got $45 worth of games. So our total was $42.42.
We all ate our fill at the buffet, then off we went to play the games. The kids had a blast. They pretty much do the same things everywhere we go. Our eldest prince goes for the big games, our little proncess goes for all of the kiddie games, and the baby just runs all over the place looking at everything and bothering as many people as he possibly can. So, I pretty much chased him the whole time.
About a half an hour in, I realized that my big prince was running low on funds. Yet, he still ran around playing all of the games he could as fast as he could. Finally he ran out of credits. Then he latched onto his sister (only because he wanted something, right?) and they played games together until all of the credits were finally gone. Then comes the whining. My eldest comes up to me and sits next to me on the bench and says, "I'm bored." UGH!!!!! So, I told him that it was time for a lesson. I simply explained to him that he needs to check out the prices of the games before he plays them, because some of the are quite a bit more expensive than others. I went on to tell him that if he played the cheaper games it would last much longer. Up until that point I had considered giving them more money, but I felt that he needed to learn a lesson about finances at that point. So, we picked everything up and started to go towards the front to get icecream before we walked out the door.
Then he reminded me.....I forgot to give him his allowance last Friday....DARN IT! I reluctantly handed over the $5 and reminded him that he was supposed to be saving up for a video game. No luck. Off he runs, BUT he remembered about the double credits on Thursdays. So he goes to the register, buys the $5 game card and sees that the don't give him the extra $5. The King went with him to fix the issue and he got his $10 credit. Well, he must have paid a little more attention to the prices because he was in there for quite a while. He came out with a TON of tickets and we finally went home.
So, we still have $130 left for summer.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
My $220 Summer: Part 2
Today was a great day on my mission to spend $220 this summer. I haven't spent a thing today, which is great! I still have $179 left in cash. Based on our activity so far, I am thinking that I really might be able to pull this off with a combination of coupons, deals, and sneaky tricks that not many people know about. But, I aim to tell all.
Today, we went to the pool at the gym. The kids had an absolute blast. There were so many people there that they had no chance to be bored. I packed a bag with clothes, towels, floaties, etc...and included snacks, sippy cups, and sports bottles filled with water. No money spent! YAY! $0. Although, I almost lost 5 bucks because I lost my earring in the pool. I told all of the kids that whoever found the earring would get the money. Fortunately, no one found it. Unfortunately, I am out of an earring.
Write again soon. TBQ
My $220 Summer: Part 1
So, first things first, we went to the educational supply store to get some summer workbooks. With a 25% off coupon my total was $25. So, already a big dent.
Then, we went to the tourist information center. I thought that maybe we could find some free attractions that are both educational and fun for the kids to help fill in the gaps in our schedule. I let the kids pick out all of the pamphlets that they liked, but very few of them were actually free. However, I did get a ton of coupons there. The ladies at the tourist center gave the kids come bread to feed the fish and the ducks, so we ended up spending part of our day the the center just walking the grounds and feeding the turtles and fish. We talked about the trees and the wildlife. Great trip! $0.
Then off we went to Chuck-E-Cheese, their choice for the day. We ate lunch before we left so we didn't have to buy any food there. We also brought our Chuck-E-Cheese souvenir cups so that it wouldn't cost us any extra for drinks. (If you buy a 'souvenir' cup from Chuck-E-Cheese you can bring them back and drink for free.) I used a coupon for tokens which was $15 for 100 tokens, so our total spent was $15 even. Again, I was thinking about stretching the $220 so that it could possibly last all summer, so when I got the tokens I divided them in half in 2 separate cups in hopes that we could make another trip out of it. Within the first 15 minutes my first cup was looking pretty skimpy, so I was worried that my plan wasn't going to work. I didn't want to hold out on the kids either because they were having so much fun. Finally my oldest figured out that there was a whole other stash of tokens, so they started disappearing! I looked at my watch and realized that we had to leave soon, so I started rounding the kids up. So we were actually left with about 30 more tokens, which will work for a second trip. YAY!
Then came the drama. With three kids there is always drama. The baby was missing in Chuck-E-Cheese. Of course, I didn't really panic because he runs off pretty often, but this is a huge place, he is a small child, and here I am bogged down by my purse, diaper bag, sippy cups, tokens, and game tickets. It was an impossible task. So, I told the guy at the door that there was a missing baby in the restaurant and out of the wood works came the Chuck-E-Squad. All of a sudden there was a team of guys huddling together asking me for a description and off they went to find the baby. It took all of 60 seconds. He was standing next to the skee-ball game watching another kid play. He wasn't the slightest bit concerned.
So, now we are out of the door. I am still bogged down with our gear and trying to hold onto the baby. We finally get to the car and I have no keys. NO KEYS! So, now I am standing with the baby pinned against the car so he won't pull another one of his stunts and run in the street. I looked everywhere...NO KEY! I check the diaper bag, the purse, the car, and everything that I am carrying, but they were not there. So, I pick up all of the gear again, plus the baby, and the other two kids...and we go back in to Chuck-E-Cheese. AHH! Fortunately, the same guy was at the door and he found my keys. We turn around, go back to the car, get the kids and all of the gear in and we are finally on our way home. Phew.
Today, there will most certainly be another adventure in my $220 summer. So stay tuned and I will keep you informed. I have no idea if I can make the money stretch that long...but I am willing to try. I have $180 left, so we'll see what happens. I'll write again soon.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
This Week's Budget
I had such a great week with my budget that I just wanted to share. As many of you know my budget for the week is $100 for anything and everything and breaks down like this: $50 for groceries, $25 for drug store deals, $25 for entertainment. This week I spent $52 on groceries, no biggie because I made up for it with my drug store budget, and this is what I bought:
Super One: (Groceries)
10 boxes General Mills cereal @ $1.50 each
-minus 4 $1 off coupons (3 were $1 off of 3 and 1 was $1 off of 1)
2 gallons of whole milk $3.55 each
bread on sale $2
4 lean pockets on sale for $.98 each
bananas $1.53
crackers on clearance $.50
graham crackers $1.58
snack crackers $1.88
apple juice (Value Time) $.98
Spray and Wash - no sale or coupon : ( $2.99
flossers $1.89
Albertsons:(a little more groceries)
2 Good Day half gallon orange juice $.50 each
dozen large eggs $1
pork chops $1/lb $6.90
3 Fresh Express Garden Salads $1 each
2 Albertson's Frozen Waffles $1 each
Total Groceries with tax: $52.77
Walgreen's: (Drug Store Deals)
6 men's Speed Stick Deodorant (clearance) $.50 each
3 Men's Zone face wash (clearance) $.99 each
Huggies Swimmers Sale $6.99
-minus $1.50 off coupon
2 AA batteries BOGO $3.99
Fabric softener sheets $2.99 (no sale or coupon) : ( ...But, I cut these in half and they last me apx. 6 months.
-minus $1 Register Reward
Total Drug Store Deals: $19.04
Entertainment Budget:
1 ticket to the movies $8.50
1 free ticket to the movies from my mom $0
snacks from the dollar store to stock my purse for the movie $3.90
3 random cups of coffee from CC's at $1.94 each
Total entertainment spent: $18.22
YAY! I feel like the deals are getting better in all of the stores and we are doing very well with our budget. I hope that all of you are having the same success. If you need help don't forget to ask! Have a great week!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Super Frugal Non-Fat Granola
2 T. cinnamon
½ tsp. salt
½ C. dried fruit or nuts (optional)
¾ C. brown sugar
1/3 C. concentrated apple juice
½ C. non-fat dry milk
1/3 C. honey
Mix oats, cinnamon, salt, and fruit or nuts in large mixing bowl and set aside. In a small saucepan, mix sugar, apple juice, milk, and honey and heat over medium heat only until sugar dissolves. Poor sugar mixture slowly over dry mixer and blend well, until oats are completely moist. Spread onto cookie sheet and bake at 375* for 15-20 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes.
Cost per pound = $1.00
Friday, May 15, 2009
Mini-date with the King
Long time no see, I know. It seems like I have been missing in action for a while....and mentally I may have been. LOL! It has been crazy busy in the world of the Budget Queen from classes, to articles, to television. Although, I hope that I am making a difference in people's lives. I know that I have had to sacrifice a lot to bring all of this information to everyone, so I truly hope that it is helping.
Tonight, the king and I went on a frugal outing. I was really excited because it has been a few weeks since we were able to do anything fun, since we put the house on the market. (Yes, we are selling our house.) My mom was able to babysit! ($0) Then, she gave us one free ticket to the movies ($0), so we had to buy just 1. ($8.50). We stopped at the Family Dollar on the way and bought snacks ($3.90)...and strategically stuffed them in my purse after dumping it's normal content. The movie was great! We went to the opening of Angels and Demons. I won't give the entire thing away, but some things were slightly different from the book. I think it was even better than the Davinci Code. So...go see it, or wait until it comes out on Red Box.
After the movie we popped over to Walmart to grab some supplies for the class I'm teaching tomorrow. WELL, there were yellow clearance balloons all over the store! So, we ended up getting a few things there as well. Polo shirt for the King ($3), t-shirt for the big prince ($1), and french bread ($1.50). So, if you are in Walmart you HAVE to check out the clearance. There were men's polo's t-shirts, sport shirts, and sports shorts...$3, boy's motocross t-shirts...$1, boy's Starter sports shirts...$1, baby and toddler t-shirts...$1, baby outfits...$3, women's pumps...$1!!!, women's sandals...$3-5, framed art...$1, etc, etc, etc. OH - espresso machine...$29 (down from $70), double toaster...$12.50...anyway, you just have to check it all out for yourself. I hope you have fun, I know I did!
Happy Saving!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The Spending Dilemma: Women vs. Men
Teresa Theriot, Founder of www.thebudgetqueen.com
There is a common complaint that I receive from male clients about women spending too much money. Yes, it is true that women do the majority of the shopping for the household, so men assume that they are the one's spending everything, especially when all of the money is gone at the end of the month. However, men make up for the daily spending with their large purchases, such as flat screen TV's and four wheelers. From experience with many clients, men and women are equally responsible for their financial status. So, they both need to make a commitment to be part of the solution.Women are generally responsible for the groceries, household supplies, and items for the kids. They seem to spend so much money, because they do, just not much on themselves. It is rare that women actually buy anything for themselves because they hold a level of guilt about spending money when their spouses never seem to. Aside from the occasional clothing item, in general women are fairly frugal. Men never seem to need anything, they appear to be very low maintenance, and seem as if they never spend a thing. However, what a man doesn't spend on a day to day basis, he makes up for with his large purchases. In reality, men do just as much damage as women.Although their spending habits are different, a simple budget can be the solution to financial success and happiness. A budget is necessary to ensure that couples are on the same page and working towards a common goal. For many couples a mediator or financial adviser is necessary to get through building a budget and financial discussions, but is worth the investment. If you can get through it, you will reap the benefits for many years to come.
Start by listing your bills by the due date. Add them all up and decide if you are spending more than you make or making more than you spend. You or your spouse may need to acquire another source of income to make up the difference. Cut out little wasters of your money like book clubs, magazine subscriptions, and gym memberships that are rarely used. Once you have trimmed the access fat off your budget, consider your long term goals and calculate what you should be saving each month. Add that into your budget.
Whatever income is leftover can be divided into an allowance for each person. Then the woman will know exactly what she can spend on her self each month and the man can save for his allowance for his big boy toys. Once you start to put your budget into action and enjoy the benefits, you will feel at peace knowing that you have control of your finances.
Teresa Theriot is a stay at home mother of three children. She is an expert on saving money and founder of www.thebudgetqueen.com.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Eating Healthy on a Budget: It's so Simple!
The first step to saving money on your groceries is to create a menu plan based on things you already have and what's on sale. If you pick up a sales ad for your local grocer you will see that there are plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean meats on sale, not just processed foods. Circle all of the items that you would want to eat and add them to your menu plan for the week. This process is great because not only does it save you money on groceries, but it also allows you to create a menu plan that follows your diet. In doing this you have all of the foods that you need to eat healthy each day. Once you are done creating your menu plan you can post it up on your fridge so that there is no question about what you should eat when you are hungry. You will actually eat much healthier by having a menu plan.
Another thing that is fantastic about having a menu plan is that you eat out so much less. When you get home from a long day at work, there is always something to eat. You never have to guess what you will make and will have less of a chance of running out and buying something from a restaurant. Also, more of your meals are made from scratch, which is much healthier and has less preservatives than the food you will find in a restaurant. Several of my clients have confessed to loosing weight from this alone. Less restaurant food equals less fat and preservatives, so again frugal eating is better for your health.
Lastly, because frugal eating requires that you eat things that are inexpensive and on sale, you will eat more of the fruits and vegetables that are in season. Our bodies are naturally designed for the fruits and vegetables that are in season, so you will be getting the nutrients that your body needs! You also get to eat a better variety of fruits and vegetables as they go on sale.
So as you can see, you actually eat much healthier when you cut back on your spending because you are eating less at restaurants, cooking more from scratch, and eating the foods that are in season. It's also easier to stick to a diet because you can plan your meals in advance. You are not bound to boxed meals and frozen foods. There are plenty of healthy foods on sale each week that you can choose from to fill in your menu plan. Don't forget to stockpile when you see a great deal on something you love!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Common Misconceptions about Frugal Living and Shopping
A great quote comes to mind when I think about being frugal. I don't know where it came from or if I even made it up at some point, but I love it.
"The poor are those who spend everything they make and never get ahead. Average people are those who save what the do not spend. Rich people are those who spend only what they NEED and invest the rest."
Just some food for thought. Here are the truths about a few misconceptions that will get you thinking:
1. Used clothes are cheaper than new... and/or discount stores (like Walmart) have the cheapest clothes - Newsflash! This is false. You can actually get better deals at name brand clothing stores, such as The Children's Place, Old Navy or Macy's. These stores oftentimes have end of season/year sales when clothes are on clearance up to 90% off. These stores also offer coupons now and again that drop the prices even lower. Have you ever seen a sale or coupon at a place like Walmart? No, they have everyday low prices that don't change. But, I pay about $15 for name brand jeans at stores like Ross Dress for Less, whereas you would pay at least $30 for no name brand at a discount store. So, you can actually get higher quality, name brand clothes for less than a discount store.
In addition to getting a lower price, you also get a better return on your investment. When you are ready to resell your clothes, you will get much more money for your name brand items than clothing from a discount store. If you get your name brand clothes really cheap on sale, you may get all of the money back that you originally paid for it! I've gotten sweaters at Old Navy for $1.44 and kids jeans for under $2. I know that resell price will be more than that!
2. Generic groceries are cheaper than the manufacturer brands - It may seem that way at first, but if you can match a coupon with a sale, then the manufacturer brand is often times much cheaper than the store brand. For instance, this week Birdseye Steam Fresh Steamers were on sale for $.79, which is really low, plus I had 20 coupons for $.35 off. The final price of these vegies was only $.44 a bag! There is no way that the store brand could possible beat that. So, you can enjoy your favorite brands again.
3. Coupons are not worth the time - Well, as you can see above, it can make a huge difference. There are coupons available for nearly everything that you buy: food, clothes, entertainment, restaurants, hotels, you name it. Can you imagine the savings if you use them for everything that you do? The key is organization. There are coupon organizers everywhere that will help you keep them organized for when you need them.
4. Couponing is very time consuming - with today's technology, you don't even have to clip. Simply get the inserts out of the Sunday paper and date them. Websites like www.couponmom.com have a database of sales that are matched with coupons by date. So, you only clip the ones you need.
5. To really save money at the grocery store you cannot buy healthy food - So untrue. Why would anyone do this if they couldn't keep their families healthy? You can get plenty of fresh fruits, vegies, and meats. The trick is to wait until they are at their lowest prices. By purchasing produce that is in season, you can save a bundle because the prices are extremely low. There are great meat sales every week that can be stockpiled and used later. The same concept can also be applied to organics and natural foods. There are also plenty of organic coupons out there these days.
6. Drug stores are more expensive than big box stores - False again! Right off you are thinking I'm crazy, but have you actually seen a sales ad? There are all sorts of things that are on sale every week for really cheap, and many things that are FREE with Extra Care Bucks or mail in rebates! Buy and stockpile only the items that are great deals. If you buy anything else you will waste money. By doing this you shop out of your pantry when you need something and never actually have to pay full price for anything again!
7. Frugal people are deprived people - Actually the truth is quite the opposite. Frugal people are smart about the way that they use their money. They have the same things that other's have, but maybe on sale or with a coupon. They also have much more money in their bank accounts and more food and products in their pantries. They have much more full filling lives because they worry less about money and have more for rough economic times.
As you can see, by living a frugal lifestyle you can actually have more of the name brand items that you thought you could never afford....and a much healthier financial standing.